Santos day nurseries aims to provide high-quality care and education for children, and a great service to families, offering your child a fun filled day of educational activities as well as making lots of new friends in our safe, nurturing environment.

Our day care is OFSTED registered and we also receive Local Authority inspections to ensure all of our practices are in accordance with the national requirements.

Our team recognises what is important to both parents and children and our aim is to provide a perfect solution to any family looking for childcare. We offer a range of full time and part time places for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. We also offer places for children who have been awarded a free ELT place (Early Learning for Two’s) and the 30 government funded hours for 3 and 4 year olds.

Smile Adore Nurture Teach Observe Support

So, whether you are looking to return to work, moving into the area or just want your child to have a great time learning, making friends and getting the best possible start to their school life, please feel free to pop in for a chat or for a look around as we offer an open door policy.

The features and resources in each room have been carefully tailored to meet the development needs of the children as they grow.

We also have an indoor/ outdoor covered play area. This allows the children at Santos Day Nursery all the benefits of fresh air and exercise during every single play session they attend, regardless of what the weather brings that day.